
We are happy to announce the availability of MySword 7.3 for download. MySword 7.3's major features are Search improvements for encrypted modules, Editor improvements, and support for Lemma lookups.

Please go to the Download MySword page.

The noteworthy new features of MySword 7.3 are:

  1. Search improvements for encrypted modules:
    1. For English modules, a use FTS message no longer pops up as it is already made the default.
    2. For non-English modules like ABP and HiSB, the No accent (diacritics) index is automatically selected if available and no use FTS message is displayed.
    3. Create or use FTS message now also includes No accent (diacritics) in the suggestion.
  2. Grid Verse Selector improvement for tablets: chapter and verse now initially scrolls to the current making them visible in case of long list like Psa 78 and 119.
  3. Bible compare improvement: the notes icon (if any) is now linked to the notes.
  4. WYSIWYG Editor copy/insert verse improvements: bold, italic and words of Jesus format are now retained.
  5. Lemma lookup:
    1. Support for Lemma lookup for Bibles with Morphology and parsing info like Byz2005++, GRV, GRVx, TR and TRa:
      1. The lemma link is placed besides the Morphology key
      2. The Greek and Hebrew Lemma dictionaries for lookup can be set on the Preferences. The default for Greek is either LSJ or MLSJ if present. Currently, there is no official Hebrew dictionary that can be used for Lemma lookup yet except SEC of BHSE (which is just based on BDB/Thayer/Strong).
      3. The dictionary lookup is no accent if the dictionary supports it like the LSJ and MLSJ.
    2. Lemma lookup can also be used for Strong's dictionaries: The Original line with Hebrew and Greek words afterwards will have individual word links in case the Lemma dictionaries are selected (multiple words lookup will not do). This is useful for KJV and those with Strong's but no Morphology Lemma entries so you can directly link to other dictionaries like LSJ or MLSJ.
  6. Editor's Mini Bible Viewer (Premium) improvements:
    1. Modern theme is now supported.
    2. Added Copy verse button before the Close button to copy the currently selected verse into the Editor.
    3. In WYSIWYG, taping a Bible link then opening the Mini Bible Viewer will automatically go to that verse and translation.
  7. Tag (Deluxe) improvements:
    1. Additional filter types (upper left selector) aside from All, Text and Icon, and changed behavior:
      1. Used - only those that are currently used (use count is not zero). This is useful for making the Tag screen load faster.
      2. External - icons in the external folder (named icons) only. Note only the icons on the root folder are listed.
      3. sub-folders inside the external folder. This is useful for grouping external icons. Please note that in case you manually move icons from the root to sub-folders for organization purposes, take care to update also manually the folder field of the tag records affected in tags.mybible file tags table using an SQLite Manager.
      4. All - note that this does not include the sub-folders for performance reasons.
      5. Text - no longer includes used external folder icons.
    2. Filter type and filter text/key are now saved in the settings database so that they are remembered in case of reboot or MySword is evicted by the Android OS from memory.
    3. Added Menu->Default placement so you can select other than Default.
    4. Delete tag used in verses is now possible but with confirmation code.

Bugs Fixed in Version 7.3

  1. List selection highlighting is not properly working in Android Nougat in Standard and Dialer, Editor's add image and the Deluxe Group Bookmark and Verse List.
  2. Search of Encrypted modules like ABP and HiSB always uses the FTS if present even if No accent (diacritics) is selected and index was present.
  3. Notes details crashes in case you are editing a verse of a book that is not available in the active Bible, e.g. editing Pro 1:1 using JMNT which is NT only.
  4. Horizontal Scrolling (Deluxe feature) is no longer working in Chrome WebView 46 and higher (Lollipop and higher) on Search results, right preview pane (tablet) as well as the non-tablet's Preview for search View more and Editor.
  5. Highlight Words (Deluxe feature) crashes when selecting a new highlight color.

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Enjoy using MySword!