
New and updated modules are uploaded today (16 March 2012).

The Barnes Commentary was updated to correctly display Greek text. The old version show the Greek text in Hebrew characters.

The Modern Greek Bible Μετάφραση Νεόφυτου Βάμβα was also updated.

The following are the new Bible modules uploaded:

  1. SBL Greek New Testament (SBLGNT) - please download a font (required)
  2. Aleppo Codex (Aleppo) - Hebrew for Honeycomb and up
  3. Modern Hebrew Bible (HEBm) - Hebrew for Honeycomb and up
  4. Westminster Leningrad Codex (WLC) - Hebrew for Honeycomb and up

Please note that the SBLGNT is in accented Greek which is not supported by the default font of Android so please download a font, otherwise you will see squares. And for the Hebrew Bibles to be properly displayed in RTL, right to left, Honeycomb and up versions are required unless your Android device came from Israel or an Arabic nation which contained the necessary fix.

You may download these by going to the Download page specific to each module type:

Alternatively, you can also download them directly via MySword running in your Android device. Just go to Menu->More->Download modules. Then select the module type, language (if any), then the modules, and start downloading.

Enjoy reading God's Word!

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