MySword for Android Migration Tools v.2.4 is now ready for download.

The following are the notable changes in this version:

  1. Bible migrator improvements:
    1. biblebase.sqlite not in the folder where the Bible is will no longer throw an exception.
    2. Simple support for verse.rule(s) requiring MySword 5.1. Please note that toggle and TheWord links are not supported so they are dropped. Also, you may need to replace some rules to be more theme-independent. e.g.
      verse.rule="<HE>(.+?)<He>" "<font name=[Hebrew] size=+2 color=#800000>$1</font>"

      Can be replaced by:

      verse.rule="<HE>(.+?)<He>" "<span class='red' style='font-size:1.6em'>$1</span>"


      verse.rule="<HE>(.+?)<He>" "<span class='red'>$1</span>"
    3. Bibles with that is only has year will no longer throw an exception.
    4. Included the following fields in the migration if present (displayed in MySword About Module): title (set to description if not present), publisher, author, creator, source, language and editorial comments.
    5. description with multiple lines of text is now possible (prior, only the first line is read).
    6. SQLite database compaction (VACUUM command) is done to make the file size a bit smaller but ensuring the Details record is still found at the end of the file (used as flag for complete download).
    7. The migrator will try to convert embedded font color to MySword standard: red, orange, brown, yellowgreen, green, bluegreen, blue, violet, pink and gray. Almost black color will be removed so that the normal text color will be used.
  2. Migrator improvements:
    1. It is now possible to drag and drop multiple files onto TheWordBible2MySword.exe, TheWordCommentary2MySword.exe, TheWordDictionary2MySword.exe and TheWordBook2MySword.exe to do multiple conversions. If there is an error, a Press any key message will appear and pause the execution at the end.
    2. In the console, it is possible to use the wildcard * and ? but it only works on the current directory. For example, to convert all *.ont, *.nt and *.ot files in the current folder, you can do:
      TheWordBible2MySword.exe *.ont *.nt *.ot

      Similarly, you can convert all The Word dictionaries in the current directory using this:

      TheWordDictionary2MySword.exe *.dct.twm
    3. Commentary, dictionary and book migrators now included the following fields in the migration if present (displayed in MySword About Module): publisher, author, creator, source, language and editorial comments.
  3. RTF2MySwordHTML.dll RTF conversion improvements:
    1. Support for \s1 to \s6 for heading h1 to h6.
    2. Simple support for tables. The merging of rows and cells are not supported so the final output might need to be manually adjusted.
    3. Embedded font support by using span and CSS class selectors. The names of the fonts must be specified in the config's Fonts appSettings entry which must be comma separated and the corresponding CSS class names in FontClasses. TheWordDictionary2MySword.exe.config gives a commented out example which was used for AHLB module. If these config settings are present, a customCSS field is created in the Details table but the embedding of the fonts themselves must be done manually (please see Note also that some old fonts cannot be rendered via @font-face so they must be converted. For example, the original font files for AHLB must be opened then regenerated using FontForge in order for them to work in HTML/CSS as well as MySword.
    4. MLSJ/AMGL conversion of special Hyperlink tw://*.*?txt=Entry or just plain double quotes delimited string will be properly converted as a Note popup similar to Translators' Notes. MySword 5.1 will properly display the Module abbreviation as title.

These set of tools can be used to migrate TheWord unencrypted and uncompressed Bible, Commentary, Dictionary, General Book, Devotional and Graphics/Map modules to MySword format. Please go to the Download MySword Migration Tools page.

Now, enjoy using MySword even more!

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