Blessed Christmas!

We are happy to announce the availability of MySword 7.4 for download. MySword 7.4's major features are Text-to-speech, editor and Popup improvements.

Please go to the Download MySword page.

The noteworthy new features of MySword 7.4 are:

  1. Search Highlight improvement: added option for All which also shows the highlight on verse references.
  2. Text-to-speech (TTS) improvements:
    1. Better support for TS2009's Hebrew and for other modules as well: This will prevent Hebrew words and other non-English words from being skipped by TTS. A word map file named tts-wordmap.txt is created on the mydata folder. It is initially configured for TS2009 and the associated dictionary with 2 Hebrew word entries mapping to English equivalents, and two quotes used in Hebrew names transliterate to English. Please see the file on how to extend it and use for other modules as well.
    2. Speeds greater than 1 now have proportionate faster pause between verses.
  3. Popup improvements:
    1. Dictionary popups now has a heading that can be tapped to see the word in other similar dictionaries for Kitkat and higher. This is useful for example in Strong's popup and you want also to see it in AHLB without going back to the Main view. For Strong's, the equivalent Hebrew/Greek word or phrase or break down of words in the phrase are also looked up so that Hebrew/Greek dictionaries are also used.
    2. Non-range verses in Merged Bible references now have Compare links (also in Verse List preview).
    3. Auto-detect verses now included the following book abbreviations: Gn, Lv, Nm, Dt, Mr, Jo, Rv.
  4. New preference: Compact buttons opacity. You can now adjust the opacity (default 70%) of the compact mode buttons and page scrollers. Please see the Display settings section.
  5. Support for special dictionary link/href of the form of 'd-*word' or 'd-=word' for Kitkat and higher for module creators:
    1. 'd-*word' will show a list of non-Strong dictionaries where the word or nearest it is found, a popup showing the dictionary entry will appear when a dictionary is selected.
    2. 'd-=word' will only show Strong's in case the dictionary it is used is Strong, all otherwise.
    3. 'd-=word1%09word2%09word3' will lookup the tab delimited words beginning with the leftmost and using exact or no accent (if available) match.
    4. 'd-=Strong' will lookup not only Strong but also Hebrew/Greek dictionaries. Actually all dictionaries will be looked up except those whose abbreviations are in the active settings.mybible tabletsettings table entry for strong.lookup.exclude.list (default to all English/Bible dictionaries).
    5. In case there is only one dictionary where it is found, the list will no longer show.
  6. Better no accent dictionary word (if dictionary has it) support: switching between 2 dictionaries with different accent but same no accent is now possible.
  7. Editor improvements:
    1. Popup notes Full editor now supports images just like the Tag notes editor.
    2. Added Find in Page in Mini Bible viewer (Premium).
    3. Detect verses now included the following book abbreviations: Gn, Lv, Nm, Dt, Mr, Jo, Rv.
  8. File export (Premium) improvement: images under images and icons external folder are now properly exported.
  9. Support for Text-to-speech (TTS) for popups (Deluxe). The play/stop button is on the lower right. You can disable (hide the button) by going to Menu->Preferences->Popups then uncheck Text-to-speech.
  10. Support for dictionary lookup (Deluxe) on text selection for Kitkat and higher for popups, Search/Editor preview, Editor Mini Bible viewer, and Search/Editor split panes on the right. Note that the Display setting/preference Long tap popup menu should be checked.
  11. Horizontal scrolling (Deluxe) new preference: Repeat background into columns. When the number of columns is 2 or more and a background image is set in the Color Theme, you can check this setting so that the image will be duplicated per column. Please see the Display settings section.
  12. Dictionary lookup improvements (Deluxe):
    1. Dictionary lookup in... now properly supports no accent if the dictionary has the special field.
    2. Long tap Dictionary button for lookup new option: List dictionaries instead of using Main/Secondary. This is useful for Jellybean or lower as the popup menu is not supported.
    3. Dictionary lookup in... list will not auto close in case Dictionary as popup is checked.

Bugs Fixed in Version 7.4

  1. The Bible verse rule will fail if it is a replacement of empty string.
  2. Backup/Restore does not include verse list, reading plan, synonyms and other custom settings files.
  3. Insert book link in Editor creates an invalid link without book if the current book is different.
  4. Compare link is not working in Mini Bible viewer (Premium) of the Editor.
  5. Reading Plan (Deluxe) bug fixes:
    1. Multiple readings are always ordered by Bible books and not by original tracks like in M’Cheyne (e.g. day 1 should be Gen 1, Mat 1, Ezr 1 and Act 1; Mat and Ezr should not be reversed).
    2. M’Cheyne Aug 4 to Dec 31 should have Psalms first before Luke/John.

We are making MySword better. Thank you for your feedback.

Enjoy using MySword!

Sow your Seed

Your giving is not a payment but a SEED sown to support this software project. Please note that we are not selling this app but we are giving these Premium Version and Deluxe Complete Edition as complimentary gifts to our generous givers. There is a minimum giving amount required to have the Premium Version and Deluxe Complete Edition. For more information please contact us.

After giving your seed, please wait for MySword Technical Support to prepare your activation code within 24 hours (our time zone is GMT+800). You will be receiving an email using the email you used in PayPal with instructions on how to activate.

If you were not able to receive your activation code, please email us using your alternative and reliable email address (Gmail or Yahoo).