We are pleased to announce the availability of Berean Interlinear Bible with OT/Hebrew and NT/Greek, 5 Layers (BIB+) and Tanakh with Niqud, T'amim, Strong's numbers and Morphology (Tanakh++) this 10 July 2020. The BIB+ is courtesy of Bible Hub (https://biblehub.com/, https://interlinearbible.com/). The Tanakh++ is based on Open Scriptures Hebrew Bible (https://hb.openscriptures.org/).
Both BIB+ and Tanakh++ include the UnfoldingWord® Hebrew Grammar (HebrewGrammar) book as the included Morphology dictionary has links to this book for further information. Also, the BIB+ includes UnfoldingWord® Greek Grammar (GreekGrammar) book though it's currently in 0.1 Alpha 1 version (early Beta) but the synopsis is already helpful. Both books can be downloaded separately though.
You can also try these other Interlinear Bibles with Morphology:
- Open Hebrew Bible (OHB)
- Open Greek New Testament (OGNT)
Enjoy your Bible study even more.