We are happy to announce the availability of MySword 12.1 for download. MySword 12.1's major features are Better positioning of the long tap popup menu when text near the center is selected and other improvements.

Please go to the Download MySword page.

What's new in Version 12.1

  1. New Preferences under Other Look and Feel (as well as Bible View Preferences in main screen):
    1. Full justification
    2. Hyphenate words (only in WebView 55 or higher and may not be supported in some languages)

    Full justification, hyphens

  2. Option to disable swipe page navigation (New Preference under Display Settings).
  3. Option to hide/show Notes/Journal date (under Notes Preferences or Preferences->Other Look and Feel).
  4. Better positioning of the long tap popup menu when text near the center is selected.

    Long tap menu

  5. Added Translators' addition (CSS class .add) to Visual Theme Editor (Premium/Deluxe).

Bugs Fixed in Version 12.1

  1. After searching for Format in Journal, switching to Bible search crashes MySword.
  2. Split window (Deluxe) second row maximized long tap text selection near the bottom shows popup menu as too small requiring scrolling.
  3. Edit Cross-Reference (Deluxe) menu Copy with text and Share are not working.

We are making MySword better. Thank you for your feedback.

Enjoy using MySword!

Sow your Seed

Your giving is not a payment but a SEED sown to support this software project. Please note that we are not selling this app but we are giving these Premium Version and Deluxe Complete Edition as complimentary gifts to our generous givers. There is a minimum giving amount required to have the Premium Version and Deluxe Complete Edition. For more information please contact us.

After giving your seed, please wait for MySword Technical Support to prepare your activation code within 24 hours (our time zone is GMT+800). You will be receiving an email using the email you used in PayPal with instructions on how to activate.

If you were not able to receive your activation code, please email us using your alternative and reliable email address (Gmail or Yahoo).